Equi-Med Ultra Garlic by Allimed 400g
Equi-Med Ultra Garlic
Equi-Med Ultra Garlic contains stabilised Allisure® allicin powder. There are many positive references in scientific literature about the benefits of using allicin. Equi-Med Ultra Garlic is the first powder for animals that contains allicin. It can be added to animal feed.
Equi-Med Ultra Garlic Extract
Equi-Med Ultra Garlic contains stabilised Allisure® allicin powder. There are many positive references in scientific literature about the benefits of using allicin. Equi-Med Ultra Garlic is the first powder for animals that contains allicin. It can be added to animal feed.
Just one heaped teaspoon a day will aid the natural immune system.There are many positive references in scientific literature about the benefits of using allicin.Equi-Med Ultra Garlic contains allicin and can be added to animal feed.Suitable for all animals.
Equi-Med Ultra Garlic Extract benefits:
- For bronchial problems
- Has an expectorant effect
- Improvement of one’s own defenses against infections
- Improves microcircion
- Infection protection in case of injuries and stings
- Infection protection against infectious diseases
- Protects against parasites
- Pro-Biotic
- Protects against insects
- Protects against fungal infestation
- Anti-inflammatory in laminitis
6 grams of Equi-Med Ultra Garlic contains 2000mg of allicin powder. A 400 gram container is therefore sufficient for at least 2 months per horse.
About Allicin
What is allicin?
When fresh garlic is cut or crushed, an amino acid, alliin, combines with an enzyme, allinase and a chemical reaction starts. The first compound that is formed is Allicin. Allicin, generated from fresh garlic, changes into a series of other sulphur compounds, known as thiosulphinates. Allicin is described as the ‘mother’ substance of garlic, which is responsible for the majority of its remarkable properties.
A Brief History of Garlic..
It is thought that Garlic originated in the Kirgiz Desert in Siberia around 7000 years ago. It was imported into Ancient Egypt to feed the slaves who built the pyramids and to keep them fit and healthy. Since that time, garlic has played an important part in almost every civilisation across the globe. In Ancient Greece, garlic was consumed in large quantities to improve circulation and build strength. Over the last century, an enormous amount of research has been published all over the world to confirm the many beneficial properties of garlic.
To bring Allicin for all to benefit, we have pioneered a patented process which provides biologically active stabilised Allicin in our AllicinMAX™ and Allimed® range of products.
Synergistics Europe:
Welcome to Synergistics Europe Ltd, the only Official, Sanctioned Source for Metabolic Typing® Supplements. Metabolic Type® and Metabolic Typing® are the Registered Trademarks of Healthexcel, Inc. and William L. Wolcott, who is recognised as the world’s leading authority on Metabolic Typing® and who has been researching, developing and refining the science of Metabolic Typing® for over 40 years.
Synergistics Europe Ltd is an international company developed specifically to offer outstanding customer service to Health Care Professionals (Dr’s, Qualified Health Professionals (CMTA/FDN) and their patients/clients. We provide the highest quality products available anywhere in the world. These products have been specifically designed to support various metabolisms as determined by the Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing®.
Synergistics Europe’s formulas are unique, having been manufactured in the USA exclusively by Ultra Life, Inc (since 1976). for the various Metabolic Types®.
All raw materials must meet exact standards of purity and potency. The finest state of the art methods are employed in all aspects of production to maintains and preserve the highest nutritional value.
Non GM maltodextrin, gum acacia and allicin. Capsule shell is of plant origin (Hypromellose).