Heavy Metal Detox 4fl oz – By HMD™


Heavy Metal Detox 4oz – By HMD™

Heavy Metal Detox 4oz – By HMD™ Toxic metals occur naturally in rocks and are released to the environment by weathering. However, release of increasingly larger quantities of toxic metals into the environment have been put our present and future into great danger.

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Heavy Metal Detox 4oz – By HMD™

Heavy Metal Detox 4oz – By HMD™ Toxic metals occur naturally in rocks and are released to the environment by weathering. However, release of increasingly larger quantities of toxic metals into the environment have been put our present and future into great danger.

Heavy metals are not degradable and do not decompose at all; therefore, they continuously accumulate in soil or our bodies. This is why using a natural heavy metal detox formula is important for maintaining optimal health.

HMD™ Heavy Metal Detox is a 100% natural detox product that has been scientifically tested, designed for toxic metal detox – natural detoxing!

Heavy Metal Detox 4oz – By HMD™ Unique Formula

This unique formula is the result of 3 years of scientific research and is a 100% natural heavy metal product.

HMD™ is made from 100% natural ingredients and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It is free from allergens, artificial colouring, flavors, salt or preservatives. HMD™ contains Cilantro (Coriandrum satvium), a homaccord of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF).

It has been on the market for over 10 years. One bottle contains a one-month supply at the full adult dose of 45 drops, 3 times a day. We usually recommend taking for 3 months, with the addition of our LAVAGE and CHLORELLA to ensure optimum results.

We advise following this program for a minimum of 90 days. Please note that people with very high levels of toxicity may need to detox a few months longer. Each bottle is sufficient for about a month.

While following our Ultimate Detox Diet we recommend adults drink at least 8-10 large glasses of pure water or herbal tea a day. Children should also be encouraged to drink as much water as they can manage, relative to the adult dose.

If you want to further enhance your detox and cleanse your liver we also recommend you limit your alcohol intake.

Each bottle contains proprietary blend of Chlorella Growth Factor, Energized Chlorella Homaccord, Certified Organic Cilantro Leaf (Coriandrum sativum)

Synergistics Europe:

Welcome to Synergistics Europe Ltd, the only Official, Sanctioned Source for Metabolic Typing® Supplements. Metabolic Type® and Metabolic Typing® are the Registered Trademarks of Healthexcel, Inc. and William L. Wolcott, who is recognised as the world’s leading authority on Metabolic Typing® and who has been researching, developing and refining the science of Metabolic Typing® for over 40 years.

Synergistics Europe Ltd is an international company developed specifically to offer outstanding customer service to Health Care Professionals (Dr’s, Qualified Health Professionals (CMTA/FDN) and their patients/clients. We provide the highest quality products available anywhere in the world. These products have been specifically designed to support various metabolisms as determined by the Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing®.

Synergistics Europe’s formulas are unique, having been manufactured in the USA exclusively by Ultra Life, Inc (since 1976). for the various Metabolic Types®.

All raw materials must meet exact standards of purity and potency. The finest state of the art methods are employed in all aspects of production to maintains and preserve the highest nutritional value.

Learn more about Synergistics Europe

Learn more about Heavy Metal Detox


HMD™ Heavy Metal Detox is a 100% natural detox product that has been scientifically tested, designed for toxic metal detox – natural detoxing!

This unique formula is the result of 3 years of scientific research and is a 100% natural heavy metal product.

HMD™ is made from 100% natural ingredients and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It is free from allergens, artificial colouring, flavors, salt or preservatives. HMD™ contains Cilantro (Coriandrum satvium), a homaccord of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF).