Est-Adapt (15ml) – Estriol Hormone Therapy by BioMatrix


EST ADAPT 15ml Estriol Hormone Therapy by BioMatrix

EST ADAPT: Please advise who your Dr or Health Practitioner is when requesting this supplement.

Support balanced female hormones with the aid of bioidentical plant-based oils to help increase estrogen and relieve symptoms.

  • Maximize estrogen support with a micronized formula providing high absorption in liquid form
  • Defend against hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep difficulty, and low libido by boosting estrogen levels
  • Enjoy precision dosing and titration in an estriol-only formula, to complement female hormone balancing formulas such as Pro-Adapt

6 in stock

EST ADAPT 15ml Estriol Hormone Therapy by BioMatrix

EST ADAPT: Please advise who your Dr or Health Practitioner is when requesting this supplement.

EST ADAPT is an estriol-only formula, maximizing dosing options. Est-Adapt contains 0.5 mg per drop of estriol while the competing product contains 0.2 mg per drop. Other brands combine estriol and progesterone in the same formula, negating the opportunity for precision dosing.

This creates limitations for addressing clinical needs and eliminates the option to use estriol on its own. For example, if a patient needs an additional 10 mg of estriol and is taking the combination product, they would be getting an extra 200 mg of progesterone, which is certainly contraindicated in the majority of cases.

EST ADAPT – Estriol is naturally produced in the body. Along with progesterone, estrogen is created in the ovaries and is needed to support a woman’s reproductive health. Research shows that estriol helps support the urinary tract.

BioMatrix estriol is derived from an extraction of the steroidal backbone of the Mexican Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa). It is bioidentical, meaning it has the same molecular structure as that produced naturally by the body.

Vitamin E (mixed with tocopherols) is a blend of natural-source alpha-tocopherol and mixed tocopherols.

An independent assay of a leading brand of oil-based hormones determined that only one form of vitamin E (tocopheryl acetate) is included in their formula.

Acetate is cheap acid, used in wood glue. BioMatrix Est-Adapt uses premium vitamin E in mixed tocopherol forms for enhanced stability and oxidative protection.

Rice Bran Oil is a reliable oil carrier that contributes to the stability and viscosity of numerous formulas.

Estrogen Support

A woman’s natural aging process can lead to hormone changes that manifest in symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, irritability, and decreased sex drive. The ups and downs of hormone levels start with menstruation and lead to the passing of menopause, with cycles of shifting sex hormone balance in between. Estrogens play a key role in this dynamic and supporting them with outside sources – like Est-Adapt, an estriol only formula – can help to gently increase the body’s own estrogen levels.

Estrogen is essential for the prevention of many health issues affecting women. Besides its prominent role in disease prevention, estrogen – and its safest form, estriol – promotes a feeling of youthfulness, increased energy levels and better cognitive function.

Bioidentical hormone replacement (BHRT) has soared in terms of applications, as physicians seek alternative, more nature-based ways to help a woman feel better as she goes through life’s hormonal changes. Using Est-Adapt can lead to safe and effective outcomes and take into consideration the harmonious relationship between the body’s own hormones and those delivered by botanically derived products like Est-Adapt, and its sister formula, Pro-Adapt (progesterone oil blend).

BioMatrix hormone products have been used in countless therapies for balancing hormones with nature’s own extracts.

The Est-Adapt Advantage

Est-Adapt contains estriol extracted from the steroidal backbone of the Wild Yam root (Dioscorea villosa). Some products combine estriol and progesterone in the same bottle, negating the opportunity for precision dosing and specific symptom management. Our approach to female hormone balancing is open to dialing in sequence and titration.

BioMatrix Bio EST ADAPT FAQ’s


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a form of therapy that uses hormones most closely resembling those naturally produced in females. It increases energy and improve a woman’s quality of life as she ages.


Perimenopause is the phase that occurs before a woman starts menopause. It is characterized by a decrease in estrogen production. Women who take Est-Adapt during perimenopause may find it easier to deal with this transitional phase.


Menopause occurs when a woman stops producing estrogen and other sex hormones. Supplementing with estriol has been shown to help decrease symptoms and help women lead more active and fulfilling lives.

How many drops of oil are in each bottle?

There are approximately 500 drops per bottle (at a price lower or equal to the competition, with 50% more product per bottle).

Why is the bottle only partially full?

The oil fills approximately 1/3rd of the bottle to allow for adequate shaking of the product before use, and to accommodate the glass pipette’s length and width.

What are some tips for handling the bottle?

Shake vigorously before use. If the oil seems to adhere to the bottom, slap the bottle on your palm a few times to loosen it, then shake vigorously. You can also dip the bottle in hot water for a few minutes to loosen contents after a period of not being used.

To best observe how much oil is left in your bottle, hold it up to bright light and tilt the bottle sideways. The dark amber glass bottle is used for protecting the oil and increasing stability.

Tilt the bottle and insert the dropper’s pipette to get every drop out of your bottle, as needed.

How do BioMatrix oil-based hormones differ from other leading brands?

Many BioMatrix customers have used Phyto-BL 4X™ and Progon-BL 4X™ and requested information comparing our new products, especially in terms of converting dosages. While similar in intent and purpose, there are some fundamental differences – and similarities – between Est-Adapt™ and Pro-Adapt™, and these other products.

BioMatrix Bio Est-Adapt Strength per Drop

Pro-Adapt and the equivalent progesterone product deliver the same amount of progesterone per drop. Pro-Adapt is an equivalent replacement for Progon-BL 4X. Both products deliver 4.0 mg per drop.

Est-Adapt is an estriol-only formula, maximizing dosing options and clinical success. Est-Adapt contains 0.5 mg per drop of estriol while the competing product contains 0.2 mg per drop. Refer to the dosing guidelines and conversion table below.

Other brands combine estriol and progesterone in the same formula, negating the opportunity for precision dosing and specific symptom management. This creates limitations for addressing common clinical needs and eliminates the option to use estriol on its own.

For example, if a woman needs an additional 10 mg of estriol and is taking the combination product, they would be getting an extra 200 mg of progesterone, which is certainly contraindicated in the majority of cases.

The BioMatrix Oil Advantage

  • Estriol-only formula for precision dosing, or as a complement to progesterone dosing.
  • Fine-tune dosages to meet specific goals.
  • High grade tocopherols for stability.
  • Complimentary clinical support for health professionals.
  • Unrivaled flexibility for augmenting hormones.

EST ADAPT – Balancing Female Hormones

Estrogen is essential for the prevention of many health issues affecting women. Besides its prominent role in disease prevention, estrogen – and its safest form, estriol – promotes a feeling of youthfulness, increased energy levels and better cognitive function. Est-Adapt contains estriol derived from extractions of the Wild Yam root (Dioscorea villosa).

Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is an increasingly popular treatment for a variety of patient health complaints. Health professionals are turning to bioidentical hormones derived from wild yam, specifically Dioscorea villosa (plants containing unique compounds which are extracted as identical replicas of hormones the body produces).

Technically, the body can’t distinguish bioidentical hormones from the ones produced in the body. With laboratory data combined with symptoms and patient histories, clinicians can determine therapies to help augment hormone levels and support the body’s innate hormone production.

The Hormones and Hormone Modifiers

BioMatrix DHEA, and Pregnenolone are formulated using extraction of the steroidal component of the wild yam (Dioscorea villosa). The active ingredients are suspended in an alcohol solution to optimize oral absorption. In contrast to micronized oral tablets, which appear to be absorbed only 40-50%, BioMatrix hormone absorption is approximately 95%.

BioMatrix Licorice Root Extract (LRE) is designed for use in supporting the adrenals when cortisol output is depressed. One of the primary compounds in licorice root is glycyrrhizin (a substance that has a molecular structure similar to corticosteroids). As such, LRE aids in hypoadrenalism by partially blocking the enzyme that converts cortisol to cortisone, thus sparing cortisol.

Est-Adapt and Pro-Adapt are oil-based formulas containing estriol and progesterone, respectively. They are used primarily for helping women to establish optimal levels of these key hormones to alleviate a myriad of symptoms. The dosing options and quality of ingredients in BioMatrix oil hormones is superior to the competition in numerous ways.

About Biomatrix:

Science and Purpose

BioMatrix was formed in 1998 with a single purpose: formulate dietary supplements that can prevent and resolve the impact of chronic stress. We provide health professionals with products specifically formulated to address the underlying causes of illness identified by functional lab testing.

Our formulas are the standard of care for intervention protocols and maintenance supplementation for thousands of health professionals and their patients.

Confirmed effective by clinical usage and laboratory monitoring, BioMatrix is a leader in supplementation for preventing, managing, and reversing health problems.

The clinical application of each BioMatrix product is specific and tested. No shortcuts are taken in the sourcing of quality raw materials.

Biomatrix – The Clinician’s Choice

Targeted at preventing and resolving the impact of chronic stress, BioMatrix’ distinctive formulas are designed to help restore optimal function of the critical body systems.

  • Clinician’s Choice
  • Targeted at preventing and resolving the impact of chronic stress, BioMatrix’ distinctive formulas are designed to help restore optimal function of the critical body systems.
  • Efficacy validated by pre- and post- laboratory test data.
  • Therapeutic levels of nutrients derived from the highest quality sources available.
  • Eliminates the need for multiple supplements resulting in improved patient compliance.
  • Highly bioavailable even in compromised digestive systems.
  • Decades of clinical experience represented in each formula.
  • Trusted by thousands of health professionals and their patients since 1998.
  • Manufactured in FDA cGMP compliant facilities.

The BioMatrix Support line offers a select group of supplements formulated to support protocols guided by lab results. The functional intent of each product is inherent in its name. Accept no imitations. BioMatrix formulas are used by thousands of health professionals and their patients to manage and reverse the physiological dysfunctions created by chronic stress and related illness.


Synergistics Europe:

Welcome to Synergistics Europe Ltd, the only Official, Sanctioned Source for Metabolic Typing® Supplements. Metabolic Type® and Metabolic Typing® are the Registered Trademarks of Healthexcel, Inc. and William L. Wolcott, who is recognised as the world’s leading authority on Metabolic Typing® and who has been researching, developing, and refining the science of Metabolic Typing® for over 40 years.

Synergistics Europe Ltd is an international company developed specifically to offer outstanding customer service to Health Care Professionals (Dr’s, Qualified Health Professionals (CMTA/FDN) and their patients/clients. We provide the highest quality products available anywhere in the world. These products have been specifically designed to support various metabolisms as determined by the Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing®.

Synergistics Europe’s formulas are unique, having been manufactured in the USA exclusively by Ultra Life, Inc (since 1976). for the various Metabolic Types®.

All raw materials must meet exact standards of purity and potency. The finest state-of-the-art methods are employed in all aspects of production to maintains and preserve the highest nutritional value.

We are here to help, if you are unsure of any of the product details or how to take/administer the product, please do get in touch and we will endeavor to answer your questions and put your mind at ease!

Learn more about Synergistics Europe

Learn more about Biomatrix


  • Rice Bran Oil
  • UPS Estriol
  • Vitamin E (with Mixed Tocopherols)
  • Estriol Per Drop: 0.5mg