Meals that heal – Karen Maidment’s Cook Book
Meals that heal by Karen Maidment gives you the essential nutritional information, culinary tools and kitchen resources to help overcome common health complaints. Learning how to prepare simple, healing meals for the whole family.
Meals that heal – Karen Maidment’s Cook Book
Meals that heal by Karen Maidment gives you the essential nutritional information, culinary tools and kitchen resources to help overcome common health complaints. Learning how to prepare simple, healing meals for the whole family.
Food as Mother Nature Intended. Learn How to Prepare Simple, Healing, Paleo Meals for the Whole Family. Enjoy over 100 Low Processed Sugar, Gluten, Grain, Pasteurized Dairy, and Soy free recipes that will help you heal inflammation and pain, taking the stress out of healthy food preparation without numbing your taste buds! More than just a cookbook, Meals that Heal is a tool to inspire, educate and bring fun back into the kitchen. Karen will take you on a journey of self healing with the essential nutritional info, culinary tools and kitchen resources needed to help you overcome common health challenges such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) chronic energy issues, joint pain, hormonal challenges and skin conditions.
Karen Maidment
Karen is a Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Specialist and Personal Cookery Coach. She began her training in the Holistic Health Industry in 2005, now specialising in inflammatory conditions, digestive disturbances and chronic energy challenges. Karen launched her own solo business venture in 2011, End IBS Naturally, which supports individuals suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Irritable Bowel Disease. Karen advises and supports clients across the U.K. and Europe in private nutrition and cookery coaching, group educational and cookery workshops, public events and talks.
Who are Synergistics Europe Ltd?
Synergistics Europe Ltd is an international company developed specifically to offer outstanding customer service to Health Care Professionals (Dr’s, Qualified Health Professionals (CMTA/FDN) and their patients/clients. We provide the highest quality products available anywhere in the world. These products have been specifically designed to support various metabolisms as determined by the Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing®.
Synergistics Europe’s formulas are unique, having been manufactured in the USA exclusively by Ultra Life, Inc (since 1976). for the various Metabolic Types®.
All raw materials must meet exact standards of purity and potency. The finest state of the art methods are employed in all aspects of production to maintains and preserve the highest nutritional value.