Cat’s Claw Teabags – By Rio Amazon – 90


Cat’s Claw Teabags

Cat’s Claw Teabags or ‘Uña de gato’ is a climbing vine that is native to the Peruvian Amazon and gains its name from the barbed ‘claws’ with which it climbs the jungle canopy. Cat’s Claw has been used by rainforest tribes to contribute to the immune system and helps to maintain flexible joints, and it is still well known for these benefits today.

Cat’s Claw Teabags

Cat’s Claw Teabags or ‘Uña de gato’ is a climbing vine that is native to the Peruvian Amazon and gains its name from the barbed ‘claws’ with which it climbs the jungle canopy. Cat’s Claw has been used by rainforest tribes to contribute to the immune system and helps to maintain flexible joints, and it is still well known for these benefits today.

Cat’s Claw Teabag benefits

  • Helps to boost the immune system.
  • Helps relieve symptoms of Arthritis.
  • Helps to lower high blood pressure.
  • Acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory

There are many actives in Cat’s Claw – including alkaloids thought to contribute to the immune system, and a group of chemicals called quinovic acid glycosides. Other actives are carboxyl alkyl esters, sterols (beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol) and antioxidants.

How it tastes

Cat’s Claw is a bitter herb, which is why Rio Trading Cat’s Claw tea bags contain added Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamon and Orange peel, giving the tea a pleasant, warming taste. The loose tea contains no additives, but spices can be added.



Infuse in freshly boiled water for 3-5 minutes

Loose Tea:

Put 3 heaped teaspoons (5g) of Cat’s Claw into a saucepan with 3 cups (600ml) of cold water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain and serve. Add sugar or honey as desired. Drink 3 cups per day, or as recommended by your health practitioner.

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

About This Brand

Is Yerba Mate safe in pregnancy?

Rio Amazon  Yerba Mate would not be recommended in pregnancy as these are 1500mg teabags with the current batch containing an average 24.6 mg caffeine per teabag. The Yerba Mate capsules are 500mg and have an average of 2.5mg caffeine per capsule (current batch). These are considered safe to use in moderation during pregnancy although you should consult your healthcare provider on this.

Are there any plastics used in the Rio Amazon teabags?

The sachets/teabags used for all teas in the Rio Amazon range of teas are unbleached and made from a mixture of abaca and cellulose. No plastics ae used in producing the teabags, nor to seal them.

Can maca be used in pregnancy?

A maximum of 4 Rio Amazon maca capsules may be used in the last trimester of pregnancy. Always check with your healthcare provider if this is suitable for you. 

Does Maca have to be taken before food?

It is okay to take food just after taking maca. It can also be taken after or with food. It may have more effect before food as it would be assimilated without interference by digestive processes.

Are Rio Amazon Pau d’Arco capsules gluten-free, dairy-free and gelatine-free?

Yes, Rio Amazon Pau d’Arco vegicaps are gluten-free, dairy-free and gelatine-free. 

On the packaging of the Rio Amazon Pau d’Arco vegicaps it says 5:1 extract.  What does this mean?

Several of our South American botanical capsules are 5:1 extracts. This means that it would take 5 times the fresh herb to make the resulting 1 part of finished product in the capsule. So, in this case the 500 mg content of capsule is the equivalent of 2500 mg of fresh herb as harvested.

If you have any questions concering Rio amazon teabags or any other product please do get on toch with us and we will reply as soon as possible.

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360mg pure shredded Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) bark, Orange peel, Cinnamon, Cardamon, Ginger.